So you think you have a squirrel in your chimney, good news is that you are not alone. Squirrels are known for their curiosity and their ability to climb, and they often end up finding their way into chimneys.
Squirrels are playful animals that love to eat nuts and berries and to forage for food. They are also known for storing food for the winter months, and your chimney is a convenient place for them to do this. Squirrels are also known for their nest-building habits, and a chimney can provide a cozy and safe place for them to build a nest.
How do squirrels end up in chimneys?
Squirrels are curious creatures and are known to get into many things that they are not meant to. Cars, garbage cans, in your gutters, and culverts, are many things they try to get into. If you chimney is open, then of course they will try to go inside it.
But if they like your chimney, such as if it is warm and safe then they will start using it. They will store nuts and other foods for storage in the winter. If they really like it, then they will build a nest. But if they slip, they could end up trapped in there and even fall into your living room!
What are the dangers of having a squirrel in your chimney?
Squirrels are curious creatures and are known to get into many things that they are not meant to. Cars, garbage cans, in your gutters, and culverts, are many things they try to get into. If you chimney is open, then of course they will try to go inside it.
But if they like your chimney, such as if it is warm and safe then they will start using it. They will store nuts and other foods for storage in the winter. If they really like it, then they will build a nest. But if they slip, they could end up trapped in there and even fall into your living room!
Siginificant Chimney Damage
Squirrels will cause massive damage to your chimney if you leave them alone. As they try to nest or find their way out, they may scratch and chew at the bricks and mortar, weakening the chimney. In extreme cases, this damage can even lead to the collapse of the chimney, and the bricks could fall on your roof making more damage. In addition to the physical damage, the presence of squirrels in your chimney can also block proper ventilation, leading to issues with the efficiency of your heating system and potentially causing carbon monoxide to build up inside your home.
They can enter your home
If they can get into your chimney, then they will get into your home through it. Now instead of worrying about sounds in your chimney, there is now a squirrel in your living room! If it can’t get back up it will panic and start tearing and chewing to find a way out. If someone is present, then they can get scratched and cut by the squirrel. This can lead to infection and other diseases that squirrels have such as leptospirosis or even plague if it is a flying squirrel.
fire and smoke hazard
Having a squirrel in your chimney can create a number of fire and smoke hazards that can be dangerous for you and your family. One potential hazard is the smoke and other chemicals that build up. the smoke can lead to irritation of the eyes, nose, and throat, and it can also make it difficult to breathe. But the larger danger is monoxide poisoning. Squirrel in your chimney can block proper ventilation and cause carbon monoxide to build up inside your home. Inhaling high levels of carbon monoxide can be deadly, so it is important to remove these squirrels ASAP. There is also the risk of fire spreading from fallen debris caused by the squirrel’s movements inside the chimney. To keep your family and home safe, it is important to take the necessary precautions to remove squirrels from your chimney and prevent these types of hazards.
Diseases and Parasites
Squirrels carry diseases and parasites that can be dangerous for you and your family. Some of the diseases that squirrels can carry include leptospirosis, which is a bacterial infection that can be transmitted through contact with squirrel urine or feces. Flying squirrels may also carry Sylvatic typhus, which is a disease that is transmitted through contact with infected fleas. Squirrels also bring parasites that can rain down in the chimney. Some of these parasites are ticks which can bring Lyme disease and fleas which bring plague and other nasty bacteria. It is important to take the necessary precautions to remove squirrels from your chimney and prevent the spread of these diseases and parasites to protect your family’s health.
How can Professional wildlife help?
Safe and humane removal of Squirrels in the chimney
At Professional Wildlife, we prioritize the safe and humane removal of squirrels from your chimney. Our team is trained to handle these situations with care and to minimize any stress or discomfort to the squirrels involved. We use proven methods to remove squirrels from your chimney and relocate them to a safer location, ensuring that they are not harmed in the process. If we can manage to grab the squirrels then we will on the same day we get out there. Other wise we have another proven method that will solve your squirrel problem humanely, and safely.
Exclusion and repair services
Our removal process is generally the same as our exclusion services. We will block off your chimney and set up a one-way door outside. This door will allow squirrels to leave, but not get back in. This method is humane, and safe to use, as it will bring no harm to the animals.
We will then confirm if all the squirrels have left. Then we will remove the one way door and start repairing any damage that the squirrels have caused to your chimney. We strive to make sure that your chimney will look and work the same as it did before. Then we will add a chimney cap so that no other wildlife can get in.
25+ years of experience
We at Professional have been around for over 25 years and have seen everything. If there is a squirrel in your chimney, you can trust us to get it out safely. Our technicians are certified in the state, and have college degrees in wildlife biology. So you can trust us to know exactly what to do to remove these squirrels for good. Give us a call today for a free inspection at 800-929-7163