hotel has a pest problem, pest control for hotels

Signs Your Hotel Has a Pest Problem

Year-round pest problems plague hotels, resorts, and other lodging and hospitality properties. People enter and exit these properties at all hours, bringing luggage and other personal items. As a result, the industry faces unique pest control challenges. Here are ways to determine if your hotel has a pest problem and what to do about it.

Tips to Prevent Hotel Pests

Pests thrive in crowded areas. Hotel, resort, and other lodging facilities are susceptible to pest invasion. Hotels have constant traffic from guests, employees, and deliveries, making them pest-prone.

A lot like people, pests enter homes by crawling or flying through open doors. If there are exterior dumpsters or trash bins nearby, flies, mice, rats, and even birds can cause issues.

To keep pests out, keep delivery or dock doors closed when not in use. Ask your pest control provider how to increase pest control in this area.

Inadvertently, guests and employees can bring pests onto your property. Consistent inspections from your pest control company can help you catch issues early.

Establish a regular pest control program with a company that can inspect areas like employee break rooms and personal item storage areas.

How Pest Problems Occur in Hotels

Location can influence pest pressure. Pest pressures on hotels in cities or close to other hotels can be higher than in remote areas.

Rodent and bird problems can quickly spread. Build strong relationships with your neighbors so that when pest issues arise, you can work together to solve them.

Structural flaws can invite pests

Building age can also contribute to pest issues. A facility that is older is more likely to have gaps, cracks, and other structural issues that allow pests in. Some invaders like boxelder bugs and stink bugs can enter this way as well.

Pests Found in a Hotel

So, which pests are most common in hotels and other lodgings? The data shows that these are the most dangerous pests.

hotel has a pest problem


Mice and rats are reported in over a third of hotel pest control services. This means hotels should prioritize rodent control. In 2018, mouse populations grew in many areas. The roof rat is also spreading its range, particularly in the Midwest. The telltale signs of rodents in your hotel are when you discover chewed papers, wood, mice droppings, hear squeaky sounds or smell heavy, musky odors.

Bed Bugs

Bed bugs are the most common “problem pest” in hotels, resorts, and other hospitality properties. Bed bug infestations are unpredictable, affecting nearly 20% of serviced properties, causing panic when they occur. Make sure you have a plan in case of a bed bug infestation. Train all staff on proper protocol, who to call, and how to approach impacted guests.

The first sign of a bed bug problem is obvious: the bed. After bed bugs feed on humans, they’ll leave behind blood stains resembling small rust spots. These will usually be found near the corners and edges of the bed.

If your hotel has a bed problem, give us a call


Spiders are cited in 10% of hospitality services. They often hide in untouched corners of guest rooms and common areas. When they are seen, they are likely to cause concern as many people dislike these eight-legged pests.


Cockroaches infest kitchens, break rooms, and other food-rich areas. German cockroaches can now be found in service or food storage areas of limited service hotels that offer grab-and-go snacks. Work with your pest control provider to keep these areas regularly serviced.

Flies, Flying Insects

Not all flies are house flies – this category includes bottle flies and blowflies, which can be problematic for hospitality properties. These pests, like house flies, can spread pathogens. To breed, these flies require a lot of decaying organic matter. Decomposing animal carcasses or rotting organic materials often indicate the breeding source is outside.

Nobody wants flies or wasps. Flies on your property may indicate a sanitation issue to visitors. House flies, bees and wasps aren’t just an annoyance; they pose a serious health risk for those who are allergic to stings, and flies pose a food safety risk. They can spread pathogens to food and surfaces. Examine your trash area management to help reduce flying insect issues.

Kitchens, bathrooms, maintenance closets, and lobbies are all susceptible to small flies. However, once the source is identified, small fly problems can be quickly resolved.

Moths, Crickets, June Bugs

Moths, June bugs, crickets and other night-active insects are drawn to light, which is often abundant in hotel parking lots and entrance areas. These pests enter through open doors.


Because they nest near or under sidewalks, asphalt, and foundations, ants are commonly found near hotels and other hospitality properties. Parking lots and walkways near buildings allow these ants to easily enter for warmth or food. Once established, they can be a nuisance to guests. Ant removal is effective with regular pest control maintenance.


Gnats can be a nuisance outside, especially in the summer. The presence of gnats in outdoor lounge or dining areas can be bothersome to guests and reflect poorly on your property. Because these pests can appear for a variety of reasons, consulting your pest control professional can help you determine the best course of action.

Create a Pest-Free Guest Experience

Whether traveling for business or pleasure, hotel and resort guests expect a pleasant stay with all the luxuries of home, including pet accommodations. A pest encounter can quickly disrupt that.

Guests should enjoy a pest-free stay with a well-designed pest control program. Professional Wildlife offers a Pest Control program. Call us today to learn more about how we can help you eliminate pest problems.

Frank BSigns Your Hotel Has a Pest Problem