turkey vulture removal, get rid of buzzards

How to Get Rid of Turkey Vultures

Turkey Vultures (also known as Buzzards) are large, scary birds who enjoy making noise, destroying property, and leaving carcasses lying around.

Turkey Vultures are used to living in close proximity to humans and nibbling on our garbage. They are frequently seen in farm fields or by the side of the road. However, unless something has died or you have a large, desirable property, they are unlikely to be in your backyard.

Turkey Vulture Identification

Turkey Vultures are large dark birds with long, broad wings. They have lengthy “fingers” at their wingtips and long tails that extend past their toe tips in flight, making them larger than any other raptors except eagles and condors. When soaring, Turkey Vultures elevate its wings slightly, forming a ‘V’ when viewed from above. From a distance, Turkey Vultures appear black, but up close, they are dark brown with a featherless red head and light bill. They soar in small groups and roost in big flocks. They can sometimes be found in small groups on the ground, clustered around roadkill or dumpsters.

Tips for Getting Rid of Turkey Vultures

Despite the fact that they are legally protected because of their vital role in the environment, it’s understandable why people would not want them around their homes.

If you’re trying to figure out how to get rid of turkey vultures, you should spend some time every day watching them. Keep an eye on what they’re doing and where they’re roosting if you want to keep buzzards away from your house.

One of the most crucial things to learn is where they enjoy spending their time. This will help you determine where to focus your anti-buzzard strategies, bird control methods and which tools to use.

Have a Vulture problem? Contact Us today for quick, humane, effective removal!

Here are some of the most effective and humane ways to get rid of turkey vultures:

Use Scare Methods

Most birds respond well to loud noises and scare tactics for bird removal and deterrents, and because turkey vultures are protected by state laws, you can’t use guns to scare them away. A sonic cannon, on the other hand, accomplishes the same goal without harming the birds.

This propane-powered gadget emits incredibly loud sound blasts to frighten pests away from your home. Note that this is best used to frighten buzzards and ducks away from large, open areas.

The loud boom it makes is 130 decibels, which may scare birds up to 10 acres away–so if you use it in the suburbs, expect neighbors to knock on your door. Note that using a sonic cannon to get rid of buzzards is not a quiet strategy! 130 decibels is LOUD and equivalent to a jet take-off or a gunshot at close range.

Remove Trash, Carrion, and Dead Carcasses

Make sure your property is clean, trash is secured, and no dead carcasses are lying around. If there is, get rid of it as soon as possible. Vultures will have no motivation to stay if there is no food for them to eat.

Electric Flex Shock

Buzzards, like any other bird species, prefer to have someplace to roost. They like high, solitary vantage points from which to study their surroundings. You should install a vulture deterrent as soon as possible if you have turkey vultures on your roof, ledges, air conditioning units, or other components of your home. However, because these birds are huge, heavy, and powerful, they can easily smash most anti-bird devices. Bird shock tape, on the other hand, has proven to be beneficial. Shock tape may look like ordinary adhesive tape from the hardware store, but it has the ability to transmit electricity. The electric shock isn’t strong enough to harm them, but it is strong enough to cause them to flee.

Remove Roosting Areas

Buzzards like to roost on dead limbs and trees, so get rid of them. Find out where they prefer to spend the most time. If you notice turkey vultures congregating around a clump of old, dead trees, you may wish to prune the trees’ branches or cut them down entirely.

Install Bird Spikes

Buzzard roosting spikes, also known as pigeon spikes, are a type of roosting spike used by buzzards. Another gentle technique to get rid of turkey vultures on your roof. Bird spikes’ rods protrude, making ledges and rooftops unsuitable for perching. Buzzards, in particular, benefit from this because their feet are weak and they require a reasonably substantial piece of ledge to hold on to for support. Buzzards can’t grab the thin roosting spikes because they’re too small.

Laser Deterrents

Many vulture deterrents use light, but laser deterrents are among the most effective. Because laser bird deterrents emit spots of light that move in an unusual manner, they operate. If you want to keep buzzards away from your house, give them the impression that something strange is going on. They’ll assume it’s hazardous and flee. To keep turkey vultures and other birds from becoming accustomed to it, several devices include distinct light movement patterns. These also have timers that turn it on and off automatically every 1-15 minutes.

Hire Professional Bird Removal Company

It will take time, patience, and resources to eradicate turkey vultures. If you don’t have the first two, you should probably hire a bird control expert. Wildlife control companies have the knowledge and equipment to permanently eliminate your buzzard infestation. They’ll inspect your property, inquire about your preferences, and observe buzzard behavior in your neighborhood. With this information, they’ll devise a bird control approach that’s tailored to your specific requirements. If you try to regulate your turkey on your own, you may find up purchasing items that work in some instances but not in others. Hiring pros save you time and money.

Have a Vulture problem? Contact Us Today!

Frank BHow to Get Rid of Turkey Vultures