If you live in an area where birds are plentiful, it is possible that one may take up residence inside your attic or roof. If you suspect a bird has built a nest in your attic, read on to find out how to remove the bird and nest safely and the best way to get a bird out of an attic.
People and animals share the same territory all over the world, but birds occasionally misinterpret that by sharing space with people. Occasionally, feathered friends can take refuge inside your attic. Birds should be removed from your attic as soon as possible to prevent them from making your attic their permanent home and establishing a nest. If a bird is not removed from your attic, diseases carried by the bird, or its droppings can pose a health risk. The removal of the bird is only the first step. You must also keep birds from returning and keep them out of your attic long term. This system is called exclusion.
How to Remove Birds from your Attic
To get started, remove all screens from any windows that are open. You can get the birds to fly outside with loud noises or by playing loud music. Examine the space once the attic has been cleared of birds. If you find any nests, move them outside to discourage the birds from using them again. When attempting to remove birds, always use gloves, protective clothing, and a mask respirator. Disinfect the area by cleaning it with diluted bleach or a disinfectant cleaner.
A professional wildlife removal service is often safer and more effective than trying to remove birds from your attic on your own since they know the local bird protection rules. DIY traps and repellents can be pricey and ineffective, and the outcomes might vary widely.
Laws and Safety with Bird Removal
Using non-professional methods to get rid of birds might sometimes take a lot of time. Removal teams and nuisance bird removal professionals are well-versed not only in bird protection laws but also in employing reliable and quick bird removal tactics. A consultation with Wildlife Removal will help you get rid of birds in your attic legally and quickly.
Prevent Birds from Returning
To prevent birds from returning, your attic and roof may require an inspection by a professional wildlife removal technician. He or she may suggest exclusion work to make sure birds, squirrels or other critters can’t get back inside your attic.
Other than cleaning up bird droppings and nesting materials, a more thorough cleanup may be required to avoid health hazards. Birds in your attic, for example, might do damage to the insulation and other materials. You may get eye and skin irritation from certain forms of insulation like fiberglass, which may also be dangerous when inhaled. The amount of the damage and any resulting health issues can be assessed by an expert, who can then offer advice on how to proceed.

Bird Exclusion in Attic
If you are handling bird removal and exclusion on your own, you’ll want to make sure to close off any entry points or vulnerable areas where the birds may have been coming in. Once you have found the main entry points, securely staple metal wire mesh (chicken wire) to the underside of eaves around the roof and the bottom of any attic vents in your home. Seal and caulk any holes or gaps you find.
You will need the following items:
- Disinfectant cleaner or diluted bleach
- A staple gun
- Wire cutters
- Wire mesh – Chicken wire is recommended
- Rubber safety gloves
- Protective face mask
- Protective clothing, coveralls
- Caulking gun and caulk
Professional Bird Removal Services
An inspection of the home for pest entry points is part of the process of getting rid of birds in attics. The same attic can be visited by a variety of bird species repeatedly. An expert in wildlife removal knows how to get rid of birds permanently by finding access sites and providing advice on repairing any openings, along with the installation of additional preventative methods.
Bird removal is no problem. We only ever employ humane and safe techniques. Contact us today at New Phone for a free consultation to learn more about our bird control and bird removal services.