groundhog removal tips

Get Rid of Groundhogs for Good – Here’s How

Spring and summer season brings flowers, outdoor activities, and the very destructive yard rodent: the groundhog. A larger member of the squirrel family, the Marmota monax can wreak havoc to homes, yards, and foundations. Many homeowners have experienced the destruction caused by groundhogs -and their elusive behavior. While most groundhogs are pretty shy and getting rid of them is challenging, …

Frank BGet Rid of Groundhogs for Good – Here’s How
remove raccoons from attic

Wildlife Living in Your Walls: Identifying the Signs

Wildlife control is often an overlooked aspect of home ownership, until damages are already done. Oftentimes, homeowner’s insurance doesn’t cover wildlife damages, either

Frank BWildlife Living in Your Walls: Identifying the Signs
how to remove wildlife from an attic

How to Remove Wildlife From The Attic

Squirrels, raccoons, and rodents can carry diseases and chew through wires in the attic. Here’s how to remove wildlife from the attic without causing harm. To prevent further infestation, take steps to correct conditions that attract nuisance wildlife animals. If you still have a problem with them in your attic, call in professionals to help with removal. Common Animals Found …

Frank BHow to Remove Wildlife From The Attic