spiders in the bathroom

Why are Spiders in my Bathroom?

Do you ever find yourself wondering why spiders are in your bathroom? You’re not alone. This is a common question that many homeowners ask themselves after finding a few spiders hidden in towels or lurking in showers or hampers. If you seem to be finding spiders in your bathroom often, don’t panic. Read on to learn why they are there, …

Frank BWhy are Spiders in my Bathroom?
pest control tips for fall

Fall Pest Control – Things to Be Aware Of

This is the time of year when we observe a lot of critter activity. Often overlooked, pest control in the fall is one of the most important times to be aware of. Mice, rats, raccoons, squirrels, chipmunks, and other small rodents will be on the lookout for warm spots to build their nests. By the end of the fall and …

Frank BFall Pest Control – Things to Be Aware Of
hotel has a pest problem, pest control for hotels

Signs Your Hotel Has a Pest Problem

Year-round pest problems plague hotels, resorts, and other lodging and hospitality properties. People enter and exit these properties at all hours, bringing luggage and other personal items. As a result, the industry faces unique pest control challenges. Here are ways to determine if your hotel has a pest problem and what to do about it. Tips to Prevent Hotel Pests …

Frank BSigns Your Hotel Has a Pest Problem