Spring Valley Wildlife Removal ~ (619) 489-1910

Wildlife RemovalProfessional Wildlife Removal Experts provide complete Nuisance Wildlife Removal and Wildlife Control services throughout Spring Valley and surrounding cities of San Diego County California. We are experts at removing all types of nuisance animals such as birds, bats, snakes, raccoons, squirrels, skunks, possums, groundhogs, beavers, muskrats, rats, mice, and other nuisance animals of Spring Valley California. We are a local company that has been providing Nuisance Wildlife Removal throughout Spring Valley, California for over 25 plus years.

We have been providing complete reliable services to handle wildlife conflicts for over 25 plus years! We are a one-stop-shop and we DO NOT subcontract out any of our work, all wildlife removal and animal damage repairs are performed by our wildlife repair team while our work being 100% guaranteed. Most wildlife removal companies subcontract out services such as insulation replacement because they do not have the proper equipment. This subcontracting leads to ineffective and/or inferior work done by an inexperienced person that does not have proper Wildlife training or  permitted to perform animal damage repairs.


Wildlife control permits are issued by the California Fish and Game Commission to ensure the safe handling of California’s Nuisance Wildlife.  Additionally,  do not trust an insulation company to properly disinfect your attic. Any disinfection from contaminated bat guano or animal feces should be handled by a licensed pest control professional issued by the California Department of Agriculture. Any company applying any type of disinfectant or chemical must be licensed to apply these chemicals.  Whether it is an over the counter chemical or commercial pesticide, a pest control license must be held to apply them. No Excuses!  Most insulation companies do not posses this license to safely and legally apply disinfectants. Professional Wildlife Removal is licensed and insured to apply chemicals and disinfectants safely. We ensure all services are done effective and safe the first time.  Ensure your animal problem is handled correctly and call Professional Wildlife Removal today!

Spring Valley Bat Removal

Bat Guano RemovalBats often become a nuisance animal within the Spring Valley California area. In the Spring Valley, CA area bats will congregate within attics of homes, buildings, and other man-made structures. Bats are known to colonize in large colonies upwards of 1000 bats. If you suspect that you have bats within your Spring Valley, California homes attic please contact Professional Wildlife for your no-obligation in-home bat inspection.

There are several types of bats within Vista, CA. The 3 most common are the Yuma myotis, Mexican free-tailed bat and Big Brown Bat.  These common house bats are the big brown bat and the California Myotis bat which are both found in this area of California. The photo here is representative of the damage that a bat colony can do if not properly taken care of. The result is usually a very large amount of bat guano buildup below the areas the bats are roosting near. In this example to the left, the bats were roosting in the soffit of a single-family home. These bats had been in the attic for an extended period of time causing a large build of bat guano.

Spring Valley Snake Removal

Snake Removal

Snake removal within the Spring Valley California area is another common call received by our office daily. Commonly snakes will get into businesses, homes, garages, basements, and even attics. Once they are in an attic, they will then burrow holes into the insulation. This type of snake problem commonly occurs most often during the winter months.

These snakes are searching for a food source, which in many instances will be rats, mice, or any other type of rodent commonly found within homes and buildings. This type of snake found in structures is most identified as a Gopher Snake, which is pictured on the far-left side of this page.

Another type of snake that we receive many calls about is the Western Rattlesnake. This snake is commonly confused with the Gopher Snake, and it helps to know the difference as the Gopher Snake is non-venomous. The best way to tell is by the head shape as Rattlesnakes have a more triangular head. DO NOT COMPARE THE TAILS! While Gopher Snakes do not have a rattler, neither do juvenile rattlesnakes, which while comparably not as dangerous as an adult, still have venom.

The common type of snakes we deal with in this area are gopher snakes, garden variety snakes, and rattlesnakes. Rattlesnakes are commonly found in the Southwestern US, which also includes Southern California. These are very dangerous snakes, and you should never be attempted to handle them without the proper safety equipment. Give us a call today if you feel you have a rattlesnake in your home or property, we will safely remove all types of California’s snakes!

Bird Proofing & Bird Control

Alexandria Bird Control Services, bird in vent removalBird removal within Spring Valley California is also a very common call received by our office. Birds often become a nuisance during the spring and early summer months and become a nuisance to businesses and commercial properties by roosting on storefronts such as grocery stores, signs, parking light fixtures, and other buildings where people gather such as shopping malls and restaurants. There are also occasions when birds will get into a grocery store, or mall causing the business a major health hazard from the possible contamination of food with bird droppings. These birds will need to be captured and removed from inside the store or mall. This is a common service we provide for businesses throughout California. We have several contracts with large, big box stores to control bird problems and we are sure we can assist you with your Bird Problem.

Residential bird removal is also a very common service that we provide. We have many calls from homeowners where birds have gotten into vents such as microwave vents, bathroom vents, and even gotten into attics and built huge nests. A bird nest in a home’s vent or attic is not an ideal situation and not a desired situation for homeowners. We can help you will all these bird problems and more!

Spring Valley Squirrel Removal

Squirrels are one of the most common animals seen in Spring Valley California areas. They run about power lines, across fence tops, in roadways, and are very cute to watch until they chew a hole in the side of your house and run rampant in your attic! Squirrels are one of the most dangerous rodent animals to having in your home’s attic because of the constant chewing. They can cause major damage to your home’s wires, roof supports, attic fans, and gable vents from this constant chewing.

Squirrels have front teeth that continue to grow, therefore their desire to chew is always present. While in an attic squirrels will chew on wires, cable TV outlets, and possibly roof supports. Squirrels are the number one cause of unexplained fires within the United States causing damage totaling more than 40 million dollars a year. Do not let these cute uninvited, destructive guests stay in your attic get them out today!

Spring Valley Raccoon Removal

Raccoon Removal, raccoon controlRaccoons are also common pest animals that are found within Spring Valley California. These cute animals will invade attic areas and take up residence in your home or building. Don’t be fooled by raccoon’s cute and furry appearance they are one of the most destructive and aggressive animals that may invade your Spring Valley home. These animals will do whatever it takes to protect their young and home. Once a raccoon has gotten into an attic they can destroy wiring, ductwork, insulation, attic vent fans and contaminate your attic with animal feces and urine. If you suspect that you have a raccoon living in your attic please call for a no-obligation inspection today. We have the knowledge and experience to get rid of these pests before they have the opportunity to create serious damage to your home.

Types of Spring Valley Wildlife Control Services

  • Bird Control, Bird Removal & Bird Proofing
  • Snake Control programs, Snake Removal
  • Squirrels in Attic Removal, Squirrel Control Solutions
  • Raccoon Removal
  • Bats in Attic Removal, Humane Bat Exclusions
  • Bat Guano Removal, Bats in Attic Removal
  • Attic Remediation for Animal Damages
  • Animal Damage Attic Cleanouts
  • Skunk Trapping Services
  • Rodent Control, House Mouse Removal, Rat Removal
  • Residential Rodent Control, Commercial Rodent Control

We DO NOT  handle any dog or cat conflicts, we are private company and any dog or cat issues should be directed to your your local animal control office or animal shelter of Spring Valley California for help. We additionally DO NOT provide any type of Animal Rescue these types of calls should be directed to your local animal rehabilitation center.

For More information and resources on San Diego County Animal Services visit San Diego County Animal Services page here.

Professional Wildlife Removal services focuses on Winter Gardens Wildlife Removal and Nuisance Pest Services.  For all Wildlife Conflicts call our Professionals of Professional Wildlife Removal professionals today at 619-489-1910 for complete wildlife conflict solutions. Professional Wildlife Removal provides Safe, and Effective, Humane handling all types of Spring Valley Wildlife Removal and  Nuisance Wildlife Problems!

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