What to Do If You Find a Baby Deer

Spring and summer is baby deer season! For many homeowners in rural communities, this means a possible encounter with a baby dear on your property. This may seem alarming at first, but actually, it is a pretty common occurrence. What to do if you find a baby deer?

Frank BWhat to Do If You Find a Baby Deer

How to Prevent Deer-Vehicle Collisions

As the deer populations grow and urban sprawl continues to encroach upon rural communities, there is an increase in deer-car collisions. Here’s how to prevent deer-vehicle collisions. Deer-vehicle collisions are dangerous and costly, but they can be avoided.

Frank BHow to Prevent Deer-Vehicle Collisions
groundhog removal tips

Get Rid of Groundhogs for Good – Here’s How

Spring and summer season brings flowers, outdoor activities, and the very destructive yard rodent: the groundhog. A larger member of the squirrel family, the Marmota monax can wreak havoc to homes, yards, and foundations. Many homeowners have experienced the destruction caused by groundhogs -and their elusive behavior. While most groundhogs are pretty shy and getting rid of them is challenging, …

Frank BGet Rid of Groundhogs for Good – Here’s How
wildlife exclusion faqs

What is Wildlife Exclusion, Does my Home Need it?

How do I know if I need wildlife exclusion in my home? Small animals like birds, squirrels, opossums, bats, and raccoons are always on the lookout for a safe place to live and nest—and sometimes that safe place is your home or attic. An infestation of pest wildlife can cause damage to your home, health, or property. That’s why professional …

Frank BWhat is Wildlife Exclusion, Does my Home Need it?
bat removal

How Dangerous are Bird and Bat Droppings to Your Health?

Birds and bats can be such beautiful creatures. It’s amazing to see them flying through the sky or perched in a tree. But did you know that their droppings can be dangerous to your health? Birds and bats can carry a variety of diseases, so it’s important to take precautions when dealing with their droppings. Keep reading for more information …

Frank BHow Dangerous are Bird and Bat Droppings to Your Health?