bed bug removal, Virginia

Bed Bug Removal in Fredericksburg, VA

Are you looking for bed bug removal in Fredericksburg, VA? Our bed bug removal specialists are here to rid your home or apartment of bed bugs for good! Our special heat treatments are proven and effective in getting rid of bed bugs fast!

Heat Treatment for Bed Bugs

When used properly, heat treatments can produce a 100% kill ratio of all bed bugs in an infested home. The thermal maximum temperature for bed bugs is 113 degrees F, with complete kill occurring at 120 degrees F for 2 hours.

Thermal treatments are properly complemented and coupled with the appropriate use of control chemistries in harborage areas and the use of IGRs (insect growth regulators/reproductive regulation) to control the reproduction of any surviving bugs. 

The correct coupling of this procedure ensures 100% kill of bed bug infestations and realistic control of re-introduced bugs in a realistic short-termed future. Furthermore, we suggest and provide mattress encasements, monitoring devices, and on-going strategies to maintain a bed bug-free home.

How to Get Rid of Bed Bugs

Here’s a behind the scenes look at our Bed Bug Removal Specialists, and what goes on in a complete bed bug extermination process

Ryan Nibert, Wildlife Technician with Professional Bed Bug, walks us through a bed bug infestation that’s been going on for 4 years! Find out why our solution to any bed bug problem you have is GUARANTEED to work!

Call us for any bed bug or other pest infestations you have! Our staff consists of some of the highest educated and experienced biologists in the industry, bringing 50+ years of combined experience in wildlife management and pest control.

We utilize cutting-edge technology and a scientific approach to find an “Professional” solution for every situation. Our mission is to effectively handle wildlife and pest problems in the most humane, professional, and environmentally friendly way possible.

Frank BBed Bug Removal in Fredericksburg, VA